The St. Marys Rotary Club updated their Roadside Signs in an effort to direct people to their new meeting location at 170 Straub Avenue at the Club House in Memorial Park in St. Marys. The photo above shows a newly installed sign at a new location out on Washington Road between St. Marys Auto Repair and MPP Washington Street Division. St. Marys Auto Repair's owner Tom Zelinski was kind enough to allow the club to place the sign on his property. Other sign locations that were approved many years ago and that were updated include the Million Dollar Highway coming into town near the top of Zwacks Dip, State Street in front of St. Marys Carbon Co, out on the Johnsonburg Road southbound as you approach the top of the hill before Joseph Road coming into town, and out on Bucktail Road near the old Car Wash also coming into town.
The signs were made by Kennedy Signs, and were recently installed by Mick Armstrong and Rotarian Vern Kreckel III.
Also pictured is Vern Kreckel III at the sign loacation on State Street.
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